
Why Reserve, From La Brea Bakery Brand Manager

Given our size in the baking industry, it shouldn’t shock anyone that we have someone dedicated exclusively to sourcing flour. We buy a lot of it every year and her job is to make sure that we get the best price for the right spec and that it comes on time.


Have you ever experienced a bottle of wine in the vineyard where the grapes came from? There is nothing like it in the world. I’m not a deeply religious man but I swear there is something magical about sipping a wine in its birthplace.

Introducing Andrew - Of Wine and Bread

As brand manager for La Brea Bakery, I am entrusted with the stewardship of the brand and making sure it is protected at all times. The quick background on me is that I spent 10+ years studying, making, marketing and selling wine. Bread may be my current love but wine was definitely my first.