Bread, Wine, Cheese: What Else?

Bread, Wine, Cheese: What Else?

It’s heating up outside which means nights under the stars enjoying your favorite meal or having friends over for an impromptu BBQ. No matter what these longer, hotter days mean for you,chances are you're going to be thinking about your menu, right down to your side dishes and appetizers. Of course, let’s not forget the center of every good meal, wine and bread, which can easily bring it all together.


Everyone knows about pairing the right kind of cheese with wine, and that you should never have a steak with anything but a full bodied red. But, what about the bread? What food and drink bring out the nutty, sour, sweet notes of your favorite baguette or loaf? Pairings take your meals next-level, especially when you pair the perfect cheese with bread and wine. 


We here are La Brea Bakery have our favorite breads and love to tear into a loaf at the end of the day, especially when we have a delectable Mr. Tam and Riesling to create that perfect party in our mouths. Munch on a few of our favorite pairings below:

  • If you’ve got a crusty French baguette or loaf, which is mild in flavor and not bitter or acidic like a sourdough, Pinot Noir with a Triple Cream Brie might be the perfect complement.
  • For those who are in the mood for something a little more tart, our Country White Sourdoughs breads have a subtle sour flavor and a hearty crumb which balance well with a crisp, dry Sauvignon Blanc and a mild, sweet and nutty Swiss Cheese.  
  • If you are serving the buttery Vienna loaf, its best to pair it with a light blue cheese like a Humboldt Fog, with its fresh cream and herbaceous overtones, and compliment it with an oaky and full bodied Chardonnay.
  • If you are serving up our Three Cheese Semolina Loaf which combines the robust flavors of classic Italian cheeses: Asiago, Parmesan and Romano, you need strong flavors like a Cabernet Sauvignon and Gruyere to bring out the multiple flavors of this interesting bread.
  • For those looking for a taste adventure our Jalapeno Cheddar Loaf will awake your senses with spice and creamy flavors. The perfect complement to this palate-pleaser is an aged Cheddar Cheese and a light bodied White Zinfandel to bring out the bold flavors of this loaf.

There are endless combinations of bread, cheese and wine; you don’t need an excuse to pull out your favorites. Just sit back, and enjoy the summer months while delighting your senses.

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